There are many lyrics pages all over the web, and many of them contain lyrics of dubious quality, with many errors (often so called mondegreens).
Dick Gaughan has written a very good rant about lyrics sites.
In my song collection I've tried my best to get the correct lyrics of the songs. I've been singing Irish and Scottish songs for many many years, so I'm used to most of the unusual and "strange" words that might appear. So hopefully my lyrics collection can be considered reliable.
Be aware, however, that the versions I present are not "authoritative" or "definitive", but simply the way I have learnt the songs - often an amalgamation of different versions I have heard. There are often many other versions around, which are just as good (and of course many "bad ones"). That's part of the "folk process" of transmitting songs.
If you find any errors, please contact me at to tell me of them.
If you're into folk and traditional songs a very good place to search and discuss them is The Mudcat Café. My ABC tune book and lyrics collection are free, but if you find it useful, you can send me a donation through PayPal to show your appreciation and encourage me to keep on updating with new tunes and songs.