Henrik Norbeck's ABC Tunes

- Irish Tunes

Tune Type: set dance

Tune Type No. Title Key Incipit (first two bars)
set dance 1 Job of Journeywork, The Dmix |dcAG FGAB|(3cBA BG A2 (3gfe|
set dance 2 King of the Fairies, The Edor |EDEF GFGA|B=cBA GFGA|
set dance 3 Seán Ó Duibhir an Ghleanna Dmix |f2ge a2ge|fde^c d^cde|
set dance 4 Garden of Daisies, The D |a2 (3agf gbag|f3a gfef|
set dance 5 Piper in the Meadow Straying G |dedc B2BA|GFGA B2Gd|
set dance 6 Blackbird, The Dmix |B2cB A2B^c|d2AG F2DE|
set dance 7 Rodney's Glory Ador |c2Bc AB (3cBA|BGEF G2cd|
set dance 8 Blackbird, The Dmix |B2Bd c2Bc|AGFG ABcA|
set dance 9 Bonaparte's Retreat G |DGGF GBAG|FAde fefg|
set dance 10 Ace and Deuce of Pipering, The G |BGcA BGcA|BGcA B2AG|
set dance 11 Princess Royal Ador |c2B2 A2e=f|edcB A2 (3efg|
set dance 12 Saint Patrick's Day G |G3 GBd|gfe dBG|
set dance 13 Ace and Deuce of Pipering, The Ador |BAAG A3c|BAAG A3B|
set dance 14 Blackthorn Stick, The G |BAG E2G|DB,D EGF|
set dance 15 Drunken Gauger, The G |GAB c2A|BAG AGE|
set dance 16 Is The Big Man Within? D |AGF G2E E2F|GFE F2D D2F|
set dance 17 Miss Brown's Fancy G |dBG GAB|EFE E2c|
set dance 17 Planxty Browne G |dBG GAB|EFE E2c|
set dance 18 An Suisin Bán G |cEED EFGE|DE (3GAB c3A|
set dance 18 White Blanket, The G |cEED EFGE|DE (3GAB c3A|
set dance 19 Sweets of May G |B2G AFD|GAG GAB|
set dance 20 High Cauled Cap, The G |G>A Bd|c/B/A/G/ B/A/G/A/|
set dance 20 High Caul Cap G |G>A Bd|c/B/A/G/ B/A/G/A/|