X:189 T:Botany Bay T:Shores of Botany Bay, The R:song Z:id:hn-song-189 M:2/4 L:1/8 Q:1/4=140 K:Dm C | CA/A/ AG | F D2 d | dd/d/ dc | A3 C | CA/A/ AG | FE DF/F/ | GG/G/ GA | G3 C/C/ | CA AG | F D2 d | dd dc | A3 A/A/ | AD DA/A/ | A/A/D/D/ DA/A/ | AG F/F/E | D3 || W:Chorus: W:Farewell to your bricks and mortar, farewell to your dirty lies W:Farewell to your gangways and gangplanks, and to hell with your overtime, W:For the good ship Ragamuffin, is lying at the quay W:For to take oul' Pat with a shovel on his back to the shores of Botany Bay. W: W:I'm on my way down to the quay, where the good ship lies in bay W:To command a gang of navvys, I was ordered to engage W:I thought I'd stop in for a while before I went away W:For to take a trip on an emigrant ship to the shores of Botany Bay W: W:Chorus W: W:The boss came up this morning, he says "Well, Pat you know W:If you don't mix that mortar fast, I'm afraid you'll have to go" W:So I asked him for my wages and demanded all my pay W:For I told him straight, I'm going to emigrate to the shores of Botany Bay W: W:Chorus W: W:And when I reach Australia I'll go and look for gold W:There's plenty there for the digging, or so I have been told W:Or else I'll go back to my trade and a hundred bricks I'll lay W:On an eight hour day and an eight bob pay on the shores of Botany Bay W: W:Chorus